About 'Kerry Composing Dust"

Well, I have made a startling discovery, at least it is to me. While rooting around in the archives of my studio, I came across an old recording. (I have many.) This particular tape was labeled "Musical Ideas 1977," but further down, the word "Dust" caught my eye. If you have read either one of my books, you may recall the story of me writing "Dust in the Wind," and how Vicci thought it was so pretty, and kept suggesting that I record it and present it to the Band (with me singing it - Yuck!) Thankfully, though, I did honor her suggestion. That tape has been missing for many years, or so I thought. Originally recorded on a Teac 4-track, it was later transferred to a Cassette. The tape is horribly deteriorated, but I was able to save a small segment of it. This short excerpt, from the middle of the song, is me singing Robby's Violin part. There is nothing remarkable about it, except that is a very rare example of a writer in the act of recording a well-known song.

Listen here: Kerry Composing Dust 1977